May 30, 2010

Fred Boissonnas & The Greek Outlook part1

The monument frames the man, the man defines the monument. The strangely dynamic line of a leaning, static pose encompasses the contradictions of the Greek soul. And its aesthetics; poised between tradition and progress.

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May 29, 2010

Guarding Thermopylae...

Honor to those who in their lives
have defined and guard their Thermopylae.
Never stirring from duty;
just and upright in all their deeds,
yet with pity and compassion too;
generous when they are rich,
and when they are poor, again a little generous,
again helping as much as they can;
always speaking the truth,
yet without hatred for those who lie.

And more honor is due to themwhen they foresee
(and many do foresee)
that Ephialtes will finally appear,
and that the Medes in the end will go through.

Constantine P. Cavafy (1903)

May 28, 2010

The Greek Outlook: What's That?

A site dedicated to the Greek aesthetics, experiences, ideals and general mentality on life. Even in times of trouble, a beautiful & heroic one...
"The essence of the heroic outlook is the pursuit of honour through action. The great man is he who, being endowed with superior qualities of body and mind, uses them to the utmost and wins the applause of his fellows because he spares no effort and shirks no risk in his desire to make the most of his gifts. His honour is the centre of his being, and any affront to it calls for immediate amends. By prowess and renown he gains an enlarged sense of personality and well-being; through them he has a second existence on the lips of men, which assures him that he has not failed in what matters most. This outlook runs through Greek history from Homer’s Achilles to the historical Alexander. It is countered and modified and altered, but it persists and even extends its field from an individual to a national outlook. It is a creed suited to men of action, and through it the Greeks justified their passionate desire to vary the pattern of their lives by resourceful and unflagging enterprise."
C. M. Bowra, The Greek Experience, (New York: Praeger, 1957), pp.20-21, 40-41.